ISRO Recruitment 2019 for Scientist / Engineer - 327 Posts - 2019

ISRO CENTRALISED RECRUITMENT BOARD(ICRB) RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIST/ENGINEER `SC' WITH BE/B.TECH OR EQUIVALENT DEGREE IN ELECTRONICS, MECHANICAL AND COMPUTER SCIENCE CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED NOT TO TAKE COGNIZANCE OF FAKE OFFER OF APPOINTMENT FOR JOB IN ISRO 1.Indian Space Research Organization/Department of Space Centres/Units are engaged in Research and Development activities in development of Space Application, Space Science and Technology for the benefit of society at large and for serving the nation by achieving self-reliance and developing capacity to design and build Launch Vehicles and Communication/Remote Sensing Satellites and thereafter launch them. 2.Online applications are invited from meritorious graduates for the following vacancies of Scientist/Engineer 'SC' in Level 10 of Pay Matrix at constituent ISRO Centres (Group 'A' Gazetted posts) and in Autonomous Body (Group 'A' Non-Gazetted posts), as detailed below: INSTRUCTI...